Showing posts with label #justkeepswimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #justkeepswimming. Show all posts

Friday, October 4

Rise above the rats

Today was my first day back on track going to the gym at 6:30. I got up at 5:30, had coffee, got dressed, drover over to the lodge gym, used a bunch of resistance machines then used the NuStep machine for 40 minutes for my cardio. My heart needs it. I’m supposed to be doing aggressive cardio for 40 minutes most days. Lately I’ve just been walking the dog for 20-40 minutes. My plan is to go to the gym every day when they open and knock out my workout and get it done. I’ve got some family / life issues eating away at my brain and exercise and patience are the answer. This too shall pass. Rise up. Take the high road. Be the better person. No response is the best response. 

Sunday, August 18

2:57 am

So I woke up over an hour ago thinking about stuff and couldn’t go back to sleep so I just got up. I fell asleep on the living room couch before 9 so I got several hours of sleep. I’ll try to sleep on the plane later. It’s a 4 hour 40 minute flight so I can zonk out then if needed. There has been an issue between me and a couple in- laws for the last week that has been very hurtful and disturbing. Mike has been upset over it all week too. I only went to the wedding yesterday for him. I did not want to see some people. You just put on your best fake smile and get through it. Suck it up Buttercup. The good thing is that now I see their true colors. When people show you how they really are believe them. Don’t make up excuses and sweep it under the rug. Karma prevails in the end. 

Monday, August 12

August weather

It’s a little after noon on a Monday. The weather is warm and hazy. I took Bitzi for a nice walk, worked out, tweaked my suitcase that I packed yesterday and did a bit more pre- cruise prep. We’re flying out Sunday and boarding the ship Monday. I’ve checked the weather forecast for all the ports in hopes of packing well and only just what I really need. We’re going on a 7- night Alaskan cruise and only doing carry on luggage and not checking bags at the airport. This is the first time trying this but in general I honestly do tend to take way too much stuff. I have a new nice carry on bag, a nice Swiss gear backpack for under the seat and my big hippy purse bag. That will be enough. I’m always fascinated by the foliage and wildlife on trips. I also love people watching. I’m so excited!

Tuesday, July 30

Gearing up

I’m drinking my one coffee. I just got up and opened all the blinds in the front room, kitchen and living room. I’m going to drive down to Fulton County this morning and stay a few days. I’m going to spend time with family. I need it. It’s supposed to be hot and humid with scattered thunderstorms the next few days. I hope I don’t get caught in any bad weather while driving. 

I felt like crying a couple times yesterday. Sometimes things get to me. I know I overthink things and am too sensitive but hey, I am what I am. 

Sunday, May 19

Morning bird song

It’s already a bit too warm this morning. I have the back patio screen door open and am listening to the gorgeous sounds of morning birds. I’m still struggling with my cold or whatever it is but now Mike is sick too. At least I can tell I’m at the end of mine and I feel like doing things again. Mike is still in bed sleeping. When we got off the cruise ship last Saturday morning and got on the bus to take us to the airport there was a man a couple rows ahead of us coughing his guts out ( a shocking, scary, awful cough). At the airport in our boarding area I could hear him too and he ended up several rows ahead of us on the plane. I’ve been suspecting I caught whatever he had because a few days after that I got sick and now it seems Mike has it too. It’s always something.

I ordered two planter boxes with trellises from Amazon. I put them together Friday. They’re not as big or sturdy as I’d hoped but I’ve got them now. I have to get some more potting soil and vining flower plants to put in them. I also finally got around to planting all my seedlings I started weeks ago and planted all my flower seeds. Now it’s a matter of keeping them watered. I bought a small lilac bush and planted it in the side yard near the hydrangea I planted last year. The mock orange bush I planted in front a few years ago looks like it’s finally starting to take off and get big and bud up to bloom this year. I’m just dreading the pending onslaught of the cicadas. I hate bugs anyway. Ick!